
Traditional vs. Montessori Teachings
The overall curriculum for both programs consists of active and quiet activities. Time is allotted for sharing, songs, dance, stories, gross and fine motor skill development, auditory discrimination, visual perception awareness, sense perceptual development, preparatory reading, math and writing skills, as well as arts and crafts. The children also have access to outdoor playground facilities and equipment.
The Full-Day Nursery and Pre-K Programs accept children between the ages of 2½ through 5 years.
The Traditional Developmental Program provides small and whole group instruction. The curriculum is a holistic developmental approach to education. Multi-sensory/cognitive materials, including computers, are made available to children at all levels. Each class offers activities and materials to meet the needs of the children in all areas of the educational spectrum. The headteacher and classroom aides guide and direct the children throughout their day.
The primary goals of the Traditional learning experience at St. Elizabeth are: self-discipline, concentration, self-confidence, the ability to listen and follow instructions, and to work with other children, guided by a teacher, in a structured environment.

Montessori Early Childhood Program

The Montessori Early Childhood Program offers both full and half-day options. The Full-Day Montessori Early Childhood Program accepts children between the ages of 2½ through 5 years. The half-day program accepts children 2½ through 4 years.
The Montessori Program, both half-day and full-day, offers individual and small group instruction. Montessori materials, specifically designed by Dr. Maria Montessori, support growth in the areas of Practical Life, sensorial, mathematics, language, culture, art and technology. Students learn in mixed-age groups, and work at their own pace.
The primary goals of the Montessori learning experience are: self-discipline, concentration, self-confidence, the ability to choose and complete a particular task, to exercise initiative, to work alone or with other children, and the ability to listen and follow instructions.
St. Elizabeth offers both full-day Montessori and Traditional Kindergarten programs. Children entering either program must be 5 years of age by October 15th.
The primary goals of both programs are for children to discover and nurture a personal relationship with a loving God, self-discipline, develop concentration, self-confidence and the ability to listen and follow instructions. The Montessori experience encourages students to exercise their initiative in the choosing and time spent doing specific tasks. Students in the Traditional program work along with other children, guided by a teacher, in a structured environment.
Both programs offer a variety of classes designed to prepare students for the elementary grades. These include library, music, art, technology, physical education, and our exclusive Experiencing Elementary Program which includes Spanish, social studies, reading, and creative writing. These classes are taught by our elementary teachers, who specialize in their content area.
Kindergarten Programs

In the Elementary Program, we use Blended Montessori Approach (Montessori & Traditional Styles). We blend the best of Traditional, Montessori, and STREAM education pedagogies. Montessori Method (hands-on and process driven) and the Montessori materials are used in elementary classes. Most of the teaching is done in small groups where the specific needs and abilities of the students are addressed. However, traditional learning tools are used to solidify students’ knowledge, preparing them to function effectively in any school setting.
Our teaching staff (average student-to-teacher ratio of 10:1) works toward teaching students self-discipline, concentration, order, listening skills, research skills, and the ability to follow directions. These common goals create independent students with excellent study habits, positive self-esteem, mastery of academic subjects, and an enthusiasm for learning.
Our mission is to provide each student with the knowledge and skills to go into the world as productive, compassionate, and educated citizens. Beginning in the first grade, and through subsequent grade levels, students are instructed by teachers who specialize in their subject content. Students gain independence and organizational skills by transitioning to different classrooms throughout the day. Students learn responsibility by being prepared for each class, as well as arriving promptly. Students adapt to the diverse personalities and perspectives of our instructors, which prepares them to enter smoothly into middle school and beyond.
Our academic model is based on S.T.R.E.A.M. which integrates Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, (Liberal) Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking.
Coursework also includes Language Arts, Reading, Social Studies, Spanish, Library, Visual Arts, Music, Health and Physical Education.
Academic and Social Enhancements
The student experience is enhanced by activities such as our annual academic fair, living wax museum, academic bowl, regular opportunities to participate in the performing arts, guidance for participation in local and national academic contests, field day, and our annual family and friends picnic.
After School Activities
A variety of After School Activities are available to all levels of children at St. Elizabeth School. The offerings include dance, piano, art, soccer, book club, yoga, fitness, stop motion, coding, science, debate, and others. Fees for these programs vary and are separate from tuition.
After Care is offered by the school for students in grades 1-6. After Care begins at 3:30 pm and closes at 6:00 pm. In After Care, students receive a snack, enjoy leisure time, and are encouraged to do their homework under the supervision of the Sisters. The cost for After Care varies and is separate from regular tuition.
Summer Orientation and Learning Program
All newly enrolled students are required to attend a minimum of any two weeks of the Summer Orientation Program, during the month of August. The program is designed to assist new students with the adjustment period of entering school and in making new friendships.
The Summer Orientation Program is available to returning early childhood, kindergarten, and elementary students, as well as alumni and friends of current students. Students may attend any number of weeks offered.
The Summer Orientation Program curriculum is based on specially prepared themes. Picnic lunches, gardening, outdoor play and exploration provide an exciting experience.